Problem Pictures Themes has more than 300 colour photographs with activities for mathematics teaching.
Themes covered include Chocolate, Games & Puzzles, Mazes, Perspective, Time, and Wheels, as well as a large Medley section covering many other topics. U-Shaped Curves, Straight Lines & Gradients and Waves & Other Curves are three sections that can be used to model photographs with graphs.
Like the original Problem Pictures resource, this edition contains a varied collection of attractive and unusual images which are starting points for mathematical activities. The activities are intended mostly for students in the 9 to 16 age group, although some of them will appeal to younger and older students.
Each photograph is saved as jpeg files at four resolutions, the largest being 1365 × 1024. The text can be copied and pasted into other applications. Includes hints and solutions.
Runs in a web browser. Badsey Publications prices: £22 (single user) or £84 (primary site licence) or £112 (secondary site licence). No VAT is added. Digital download edition published 2022. ISBN 978-0-95465628-7. Previous editions were released on CD-ROM.

Here are two sample screen images reproduced at reduced size.
What is the difference between the Problem Pictures resources?